the books i | wrote

the books i wrote

actually, i only wrote four of them: Maya 3, Maya 4 Sketches, Maya 7 Die Referenz – all three in german. plus the “sketches” book, which i translated into english for peachpit press: Exploring Maya 4: 30 Studies in 3D.

Maya 3, published by addison wesley, took me 3 months, often day and night, to write. it was the first german book on maya. the publisher sold thousands of copies. the sketches book was written in less than 4 weeks and translated into polish, russian and spanish. die referenz, where i translated about 1000 commands in maya from english into german, was a bit tedious, but worth while. all books are long passé.

oh, → maya? once the leading 3D computer animation software.

nazis 1924 | unschädlich?

die auf demokratischen grundwerten stehende salzburger chronik meinte das in ihrer ausgabe vom 15./16. juni 1924. hitler war in haft, und der nazi-ideologe alfred rosenberg kritisierte hitler-nachahmer als reinen “kitsch”. zwei ausschnitte aus der titelseite:

DAT Backup | Tapes

backup DAT tapes

Digital Audio Tape was a key medium for us radio journalists. after the (analog) cassette tape and the sony walkman professional DAT came into the market as a relief: finally a digital audio medium! i recorded hundreds of interviews on DAT.

i also stored loads of data on the DAT tapes you see in the images above and below. no audio in this case, but backup data from my silicon graphics machine and from a macintosh computer. i needed a special DAT streaming recorder for that purpose. long gone…

most of the data came from computer animation projects.